Far Cry 4
What is it? A first-person open-world shooter set in the Himalayas, where a returning son must rise up to be the hero that saves his native country from a viscous and flamboyant dictator.
Despite it feeling a bit like a huge expansion to its predecessor, Far Cry 4 is still gorgeous, a ton of fun and packed to the brim with stuff to do.
The great hunting, crafting and side missions are back albeit with improvements, like auto-driving to locations (very underrated), shooting while driving, grappling hooks, more verticality and a clever way to make you unlock things by playing more varied parts of the game. Co-op is a blast and lets you enjoy a lot of the world with a friend, although it’s so much fun that a co-op campaign of sorts feels sorely missed. Multiplayer pits stealthy hunters vs shooty soldiers and while the concept is fun, we’re honestly not sure how long it will last.
Despite its literally colourful villain, it lacks a lot of the fun, ‘craziness’ from FC3, leaving a lot of the story feeling a bit generic and taking itself a little too seriously. Still, moments later you may find yourself hunting with anti-tank mines or fishing with Mortars, so the gameplay makes up for it.
So, if you liked Far Cry 3 and want more, bingo. If you haven’t played 3, maybe track it down first, otherwise there’s lots of joy to be found right here.
Available for PS4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 | Metacritic: 85%
[Read our Far Cry 4 interview with Ubisoft right here! Also, we asked Ubisoft to confirm if Far Cry 4 will play the same as console when played on a PC with a console controller, read it here! ]
8-Bit POItjie November 26, 2014
I am itching to get this game. I really enjoyed Far Cry 3, This game has been added to my Xmas list, but might only get it early next year sometime.
DieJason November 26, 2014
FarCry 3 was AMAZING, tempted to replay it sometime soon.
Nick de Bruyne November 26, 2014
If you loved Far Cry 3, which I see you did, this is really just almost everything you loved about it but with more!
DieJason November 26, 2014
I KNOW I would, but I have a Xbox 360 and the idea of buying more games for it when the new consoles are now available, feels a bit odd. Will upgrade in a year or so and play catch up.
Antoine Fortuin February 18, 2015
I bought the 360 edition and was a bit let down. All the adverts were obviously based on the Xbox One graphics so it felt like I was playing Far Cry 3 in India. 😛
Still, the story is well done and the gameplay is pretty sweet. Even early on you feel like the hunter and are willing to take on crazy mobs of these guys. If you wanna save the bucks … play FC3 … otherwise play FC4 and enjoy a new story.