Look! Massive Horizon: Zero Dawn Photo Gallery

Look! Massive Horizon: Zero Dawn Photo Gallery

“Horizon is in many ways like The Witcher 3’s younger, less complicated sibling” CLICK HERE TO READ OUR REVIEW NOW!

Horizon Zero: Dawn is out this week, and if you haven’t already read our review then be sure to, because it’s worth checking out! So, what do we have here? Well, we have a gallery of some of the screenshots we snapped as well as some of the pics we took using the game’s photo mode.

Horizon sure is beautiful, there’s no doubting that. So go on and have a look! Please note that the first page of images is completely free of any photos that may spoil new locations or anything already shown in trailers. We have put any additional images that we feel might show something off that’s better left experienced first hand on the second page.

[Click on any image to bring up the bigger, better gallery mode! ] Page 2’s images will not show up in the gallery unless you navigate there manually.

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>> Go to the the slightly spoilery Page 2 now!
